At FUMC, our church family works alongside our community to provide Weekend Food Bags to local elementary students who have been diagnosed as chronically hungry. Food is stored and packed on church property and then transported weekly to the local schools for distribution during the school year. It is an honor to serve our youngest community members and assist with eliminating food insecurity. This ministry is funded by the generous donations of our church family and Jupiter community members. Please click HERE to learn more about the food bags or click below to email Stephanie Lovell to help with packing, distributing, or donating:
Another great option for serving our Weekend Food Bag Students from the safety and comfort of your home.
First UMC Jupiter serves as one of C.R.O.S.’s community food pantries providing food to low income persons in need of help. Food is collected and supported in our church food pantry and delivered to El Sol for distribution as needed.
Food can be placed in the red wagon in our Narthex/Lobby area on Sunday mornings or brought to the church office throughout the week.

A group of women who gather weekly on Saturday mornings that share the same passion for sewing, knitting and quilting to help those in need. The items they make are distributed to children in need (handmade clothes), babies in the neonatal unit (booties, blankets, and hats) and veterans (quilted blankets). Everyone is welcome to join anytime with or without experience.
This is a trained team of volunteers from our church that are ready to respond after a disaster to help clean up, repair, survey damage, and listen to the stories of those most effected by the disaster. Our teams will travel locally, regionally, and even out of state as needed. This team will also respond locally during non-disaster events to those in our community that need assistance with large projects.
C.R.O.S. (Christian’s Reaching Out to Society) is our United Methodist Church Urban Ministry in Palm Beach County. C.R.O.S. provides food, summer camp for children, social services, mentoring, gleaning, and coordinates hurricane recovery for areas along the east coast. For more information on C.R.O.S. ministries, please click on the link to their website. www.crosministries.org