Where are you located and how do I get to First UMC of Jupiter-Tequesta?
We are located at 815 E. Indiantown Road, Jupiter, Florida 33477. On the north side of the road between US Highway 1 and Alt. A1A. Click HERE to see map.
Is the church accessible for the handicapped?
Yes. All of our church facilities are on the ground level and there is handicapped parking in both our East and West side parking lots.
​What do you offer for children on Sunday morning?
We offer classes for preschool through 5th grade. At 9:30 am we offer Children’s Church. Children start in the sanctuary with their families as we begin worship. Our Children’s Director will call all of the children forward for a children’s moment. At the conclusion, all children are invited to come to the Children’s Room for Children’s Church. Children’s Church provides singing, games, crafts and more as we partner with you to deepen your child’s love for God and serving others. Your child can be signed out directly from the room after the service.
What do you offer for babies and toddlers?
Babies and toddlers are always welcome to join you in the service; however, sometimes we recognize you want them to have their own space. We offer a nursery for infants-toddlers where they will be loved and cared for with age appropriate activities. With our experienced and professional nursery staff you can be rest assured your little one will be well taken care of during worship. Nursery is offered during the service weekly as well as during seasonal worship times.
What do you offer for middle school through high school?
JUP Youth, our youth ministry, meets Sunday morning during the worship service 9:30 am – 10:30 am. JUP Youth meet in the chapel building on the West side of our campus. We utilize Bible study, games, technology, and FUN to deliver a weekly lesson. The first Sunday of every month we attend the worship service together as a group. The youth have the opportunity to serve during the service in various places such as, liturgist, greeters, ushers, communion helpers, choir, and media shout. For ore information about our youth ministry, CLICK HERE.
What safe guards do you have for those working with babies through teens?
Staff and volunteers have been trained through using the Florida Conference United Methodist Child Protection Policy (CPP). This training is performed annually for all staff and volunteers. Your child’s safety is our number one priority. Our staff is screened both locally and nationally to assure your child is safe at all times.
What is CEC?
CEC is Children’s Enrichment Center, which is a thriving preschool with an incredible reputation for it’s amazing director, staff, and loving environment of learning and play. CEC offers 2 classes for each age group: 2 year olds, 3 year olds, and 4 year olds. More information about CEC can be found at www.cecpreschool.org. We currently have a waiting list so be sure and register your child early.
Do you have to dress up to attend worship?
As the great hymn says, “Come just as you are”. We are a coastal church one block from the Atlantic Ocean. You will find all types of dress during worship from flips flops and coastal casual to dress shirts and ties. We welcome you to come dressed to be comfortable to experience worship.
How will I know what to do in the worship service?
Upon entering the sanctuary, you can sit in any pew you feel comfortable. Announcements will scroll across the screen up front with all of the upcoming events at our church while our organist plays music. Once the service begins, all reading responses, prayers, and song lyrics will be on the screen up front. If you need assistance with hearing, we do offer earpieces at the back of our sanctuary in the sound booth - please help yourself. Connect Cards are available if you would like more information about the church, update an existing address, share a prayer request, or be added to the weekly email. There are also attendance pads located on the pews to fill out your name and information. Let us know you came to worship with us. A digital order of worship can be found HERE if you would like something to help lead you through the service.
How often do you serve communion?
We serve communion once a month on the first Sunday. We also serve communion during special services, such as Ash Wednesday, Reenactment of the Last Supper, Easter, and Christmas services.
What if I am unable to come forward for the communion?
We are always happy to accommodate persons with special needs. If you are physically unable to come forward for communion, let the usher that comes to your pew know that you would like to have the communion brought to you.
Can a visitor take communion?
Yes! Ours is an open communion table. We welcome everyone to come forward and receive God’s grace. There are no restrictions. People can come from the highways and byways of life’s road and taste God’s love. Whether you are a United Methodist or not, whether you are a Christian or not, whether this is your first time walking into a church or a regular visitor, we welcome you to come, receive, and experience God’s amazing love through communion. Communion consists of a nonalcoholic juice and bread. Please also note that First UMC of Jupiter-Tequesta offers gluten free communion wafers for those who are allergic to products containing gluten.
How do I join First UMC of Jupiter-Tequesta?
Contact the church office or fill out a connect card in the pew indicating you would like to join. If you would like more information first, please make plans to join us at our Coffee & Conversation with the Pastor on the first Sunday of every month. It’s a great way to ask questions, find out what it means to be a United Methodist, and meet other people as well as the pastor.
How do I find out about being baptized, confirmed, or getting married?
Our pastor will be happy to speak with you about your desire to be baptized, confirmed or married at our church. Please contact the church office at, 561-746-8116 for additional information.
How can I serve at First UMC of Jupiter-Tequesta?
We believe service is an expression of worship. You can easily learn more about the ministries we offer by visiting our "Where Can I Serve" page HERE on our website. You can also pick up a current service sheet on the Connect Table in the Narthex/Lobby area or any of the small tables at each of the entryways into our sanctuary. You can also use the camera app on your phone to scan the QR code to complete the Connect Card and let us know you would like to connect in ministry or to check out our various serving opportunities. Please do not hesitate to reach out and call the church office (561-746-8116) to let our staff help you connect in a meaningful place of service. We welcome everyone to be a vital part of the Body of Christ through service.
How can I get on your email list?
Contact the church office (746-8116) and we will gladly add you to the church email to make sure you do not miss any announcements or upcoming events.
How can I be a part of the prayer chain?
We have an email prayer chain for those making prayer requests as well as those that would like to pray for the various needs and requests. If you would like to be added, send an email to jtfumcprayerchain@gmail.com with a message that says “add me to the prayer chain, please”. As always, it is important before making a prayer request for others, you must have their permission to share.
Do you offer any support type groups?
Yes. We offer support groups throughout the week, which include: Grief Share, Al Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, and Alzheimer’s Support. For more information click here or contact the church office, 746-8116.
What should I expect on a Sunday morning?
Come to church expecting a warm welcome from our church family. Stop by the Connect Table located in the Narthex/Lobby area as you enter. This area provides you with all types of information for different ministries, sign-up sheets for events, and service cards.
If you have babies, children or youth, we invite you to go as a family into worship or they may join other children and youth in their perspective areas (Nursery & Children’s Room are both located in the Fellowship Hall and the youth are in the chapel building) for a fun time designed specifically for them.
Stop by the Coffee table and grab a hot cup of coffee before and after the services and don’t forget to fill your belly with a yummy doughnut, pastry or croissant.
Expect to be greeted by an usher as you enter the sanctuary. Find a pew where you would like to enjoy the worship. While you wait for worship to begin, announcements and important information will be up front on the large screen. Once the service begins there will be a meet and greet time to stand up, wave, and/or shake hands. This is a great time to experience the warmth and hospitality of our congregation. Please make sure to complete the attendance pad and pass it down the aisle to your neighbors. This helps us know that you are here to worship with us. Connect Cards are also available for prayer requests, to be added to the church email, or to update your information.
Sit and listen with an expectant heart knowing that God is doing amazing things in your life as well as the life of the church for our surrounding community and beyond.