Where Dreams Become Reality
Our story began in 1965 with 10 families who were worshipping in the Juno Beach Methodist Church (now Oceanview UMC) and began looking North to find a place to worship closer to their homes. Three men began the search, Jim Sparger, Coles Goodner, and Jim Bowman. The trio was appointed to look for a location in Jupiter.

The first separate services were held in the Vogel Funeral Home and they later graduated to a theatrical setting, Salhaven Auditorium, which would later be developed and known as Jonathan’s Landing. By 1966, there was a smooth transition with the chartering of a new church by 20 families. Two years later a search began for property upon which to build a new church building. Those same men began the search. They did not want to be a Tequesta church or a Jupiter church. They wanted to be a “Church by the Sea” for people in both areas.

In April of 1981, a building committee was appointed to draw up plans and to seek financing for a new, larger sanctuary. By December 19 th of that year, ground was broken and nearly half of the financing had been secured. The congregation held a moving worship service transitioning their sacred worship space. As the light of Christ was taken from the original sanctuary, the congregation followed in a processional to witness the lighting of the Christ Candle in the new sanctuary thus beginning a new era for the people of the First UMC Jupiter-Tequesta church. Historically, our congregation has been faithful and willing to sacrifice to see God’s will done.
This search concluded with the purchase of five acres on Indiantown Road. What vision! Ground was broken and the first sanctuary was built. The first service was held in 1970 using an organ which was gifted to the First UMC of Jupiter-Tequesta by their sister church in Juno Beach. Later a Fellowship Hall would be built and the church was growing rapidly. The congregation was able to burn the mortgage on the sanctuary and fellowship hall by 1978. Because of their incredible growth, the congregation proceeded with a plan to build a new sanctuary.

In the church’s 50 plus history, they have had 9 Senior Pastors (two of which are women). Our story continues in this new season of mission and ministry in our community. Our dream continues to be those of our founding fathers ... to be the “Church by the Sea” and to be a beacon of light and hope to the people of Jupiter and Tequesta. We look forward to being not only a real church for real people being loved by a very real God ... but taking that love out into the community and sharing it with others!